How Simon Met Book by Tonna Barrie

Simon with his friend, Book

Simon with his friend, Book

One very hot day this last Summer we got a notice that our new Bohemian friends, a goose named River, and Simon from the Water Tribe, had been delivered to the office in our apartment complex. We were very excited so we ran down to the office to get them! But, when we picked up the package only River was there. River said that Simon had traveled separately so we went out again in the morning to see if Simon had arrived and sure enough he had! It turns out that Simon is quite an adventurer and he had quite a story to tell. Because Simon is from the Water Tribe he can use his magic to travel through water and because there is water even in the air he can go pretty much wherever he wants. While Simon was waiting for us to pick him up he had traveled outside to explore for a few minutes. While he was outside he came across a worm named Book. Book was in serious trouble because he had been chased away from his worm hole by a big, mean cricket. This cricket was a huge bully and chased Book out onto the sidewalk where it was so hot that it was burning him! He didn't know what to do because he couldn't move fast enough to get to the plants on the other side of the walk and he was getting so tired! Right then Book looked up and there was Simon standing over him to shade him from the sun. Then Simon picked Book up and tucked him into his magic sash and evaporated back to the office. All this took quite a long time because the heat and drought has dried out the air so much, and that's why Simon missed us the first time we came to pick him up. Ever since that day Simon and Book have been inseparable friends and they have gone on many adventures together.

River, Simon and Book's RagdOlly Goose Girl Friend

River, Simon and Book's RagdOlly Goose Girl Friend

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