Some Stories...

Somewhere, inside every person, imaginary or not, there hides a bubble containing worlds.  Images swirl about in flurries and words connect like ribbons.  These are our story places; little factories of fun and sadness, the creepy and the whimsical...

This is a page for the creations from those 'factories of fun'.  Share your visions with us!  Simply send us any stories and photos you have of your life with our imaginary friends (or writings BY your imaginary friends) and we will publish them here.  We will not edit your work and we will not censor your ideas, though if needed we may warn people that they may not be appropriate for children (scary, mature, etc.).  Everybody will be given credit for their own writings.  There is no right or wrong way to approach your story and stories need not be 'about' the photos, maybe just 'inspired by'.   

Send Your Stories Here

Thank you for being the most playful, fun, creative, and clever tribe ever!  We love you all!  

******Click the stories above or below to find more writings by ourselves and our generous friends!******