The Story...

                         In the beginning there was only one doll...

                                                               It was made out of

old garments and new dreams.


And it was given to

the very first child.


Imagination, was a very lonely soul.

She had long held the belief that

humans could only misunderstand her

magic and refused to befriend them.

She saw the doll and the child and noticed

that they loved each other, very much.

In wonder, she watched them.  She saw that,

together, they shared stories and spun visions.

Being quite surprised, and very moved, she

decided that she would share her magic

with the world of people.

As the child grew and all humanity

embraced Imagination’s creative spirit,

Imagination issued a decree:



The Maker of Dreams,

The Birther of Visions,

The Hand of Creativity,


Does decree,


From this Day, until your Last Day,

All generations of Humankind

SHALL have imaginary friends,

                                                    The RagdOlly People!


Every single RagdOlly person or creature

holds a key to a magical world....

Every single human being, regardless of age,

                                      has the power to bring these worlds to life!